LWV of Rockland County Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATE
LWV of Rockland County Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATE



We make voting easier through varied voter education programs

The League of Women Voters Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization, which:

  • Builds citizen participation in the democratic process.
  • Studies key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased manner.
  • Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.

CIVICS EDUCATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS – The League and the NYS Social Studies Supervisory Association (NYS4A) are pleased to announce the publication of 7 lesson plans for teachers of the New York Grade 12 Participation in Government course. The 7 lesson plans are designed to provide teachers and students with information specific to New York State. Lessons can be customized to meet the needs of individual classrooms or student interests and are designed to be inquiry-based and non-partisan.

STUDENTS INSIDE ALBANY – Through the League’s Education Foundation, the State League and many local Leagues operate programs that provide students with the information, motivation, and skills to become informed voters and engaged citizens. The State League’s primary youth program is Students Inside Albany.

To conduct our voter service and citizen education activities, we use funds from the League of Women Voters Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization. The League of Women Voters, a membership organization, conducts action and advocacy and is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation.

Contact the Education Committee

Phone: (845) 357-3568